Funding Resources

Pitzer Career Services is pleased to offer funding for students pursuing unpaid internships, research, entrepreneurial ventures, and other experiential learning opportunities, thanks to the generous contributions of Alumni, Parents, Family Members, and Friends. We also offer financial support for students preparing for graduate admissions exams, in particular funding for test prep courses & materials.

Career Services Summer Funding
Thanks to the support of our Alumni, Parents, Family Members, and Friends, Career Services provides funding for students to engage in unpaid summer internships, research, and project-based opportunities. The goal of this funding is to enhance career exploration, professional skill development, and networking through hands-on experiences.

Pitzer Test Prep Assistance Fund
In response to student needs and with support from the Office of the President and the Office of the Treasurer, Career Services is administering a fund to assist students preparing for graduate admissions exams. This fund offers limited financial support for test prep courses, materials, and other related expenses.

For more information about these funding opportunities, please refer to the tabs on the left side of this page.